28 August 2010

Increase your site traffic using 3A method

Believe it or not, writing blog is known as a technical career and there are so many tricks and tips that should be applied for beautifying, decorating and outstanding the page. In addition, increasing the site’s traffic needs the blogger to be aware of the readers’ intention, emotionally. It means that the writer should be familiar with the process of reading a blog. It is called scanning. In the process of scanning, the reader opens the page, it may be accidentally, and then scans the title, heading and the first line of the post. The result of the scanning process may be staying on blog post or avoiding the page just by one click. Generally, the tips below, known as 3A method, are brought to you to increase your site’s traffic.

The most important thing that should be kept in mind is that, you, as a blogger, are not writing for a known specific person. I mean that you write for a large number of web travelers that I like to call them audience. To better imagine, consider a composer that writes notes, or a violinist that plays violin. Both try to popularize their work. Exactly, this is what a blogger is supposed to do. For this, audience is a part of society and I want to emphasize that the more popular the work is, the more the number of audients will be. Therefore keep writing for audience.

In addition to populating the blog content, a special attention should be paid to the web page appearance. Use a proper template according to the web’s subject. Beautify your writing by adding proper pictures, and decorate it using tables, graphs and even proverbs, examples and stories. Make emphasis using different colors and font styles be careful of overusing. So keep writing visually appealing.

Finally, make your page available to others by making it known through internet. Put your page in the path of web surfers by being aware of search engine optimization tips. For this, keep your friends informed of your site. When you update, let them to know and mail your URL to new friends. Read other blogs more than ever and don’t forget to comment and leave your page address. Engage yourself with other bloggers. Use specific keywords in your title and headings in order to increase your site’s ranking in search engine's list. So keep being available.

The three stages above are the summary of all tips and tricks that I read through weblogs. I call this technique 3A method. It refers to three words Audience, Appealing and Availability and means write for audience, make visual appealing and increase availability.

The comments and ideas are highly welcomed.
Till next time live consciously.

20 August 2010

Humanitarian sense

In this writing, I just want to answer this question. How much do we pay attention to the things happening around us? I’m not talking about our daily affairs. I’m talking about human disasters happening in our world. The fact is that catastrophe is a part of our world, even our life, and we have to think about it. It may be an earthquake, flood, hurricane, etc. what if I am a victim of such a disaster?

To clarify more, notice the recent disaster which has happened in our world. Have you heard about Pakistan’s flood calamity? 20 million people are affected by this flood. 14 million people need help and 3.5 million children need urgent help. According to a report that recently has been released by UN, the number of people affected by this flood is more than tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake, and Haiti earthquake. Manson rains caused more than 700,000 homes be destroyed or badly damaged and more than 1 million acres of crop lands are flooded. This exemplifies the environmental damage as well as human calamity that are happening around us. The pictures have taken from the event show the deepness of the calamity.

A few days ago, American helicopters relieve a pregnant
who was about to give birth.
In this regard, humanitarian assistance is an urgent need. The United Nations General Assembly was held yesterday. The expression of condolence and sympathy to the people and government of Pakistan by nations in this summit is admirable. The monetary helps made by the nations are considerable and it was requested from humanitarian organizations to proceed in relieving Pakistani victims by supplying food, clean drinking water, shelter, medicine, etc. It was emphasized by the foreign minister of US that there is no time to waste.
See here for more information.

In my belief, it is our responsibility, as a human being, to think about such events, occur around us. For this, put yourself in a victim’s place. Start and keep your connection with humanitarian assistance organizations, Red Cross, Red Crescent, and even charity institutes. Keep in mind that any catastrophe may happen to us, and try to have good sense of philanthropism.

Until next time live consciously.

13 August 2010

Building Confidence

What made me to write this as my first post is the podcast that I've listened recently. The podcast psychologically discusses on the ways one can keep himself self-confident. Despite what has been mentioned in this podcast, the main question that is arisen is if you need to boost your self-confidence? and if yes, how it should be done?
It is very important to have the best impression on the people around us. In all situations, say dating, giving speech and engaging with neighbors, being self-confident helps you to get more benefits from your affairs. But, is it actually possible to boost your self-confidence? In fact, self-confidence is neither an instinct characteristic, nor a learned attribute. All you should do is to change your mind. If you are not nice, cute, tall enough, etc, you can be extremely self-self-confident, instead. Only having control on your works and handling your job as good as it should be is not enough for being self-confident. So, how you can improve your self-confidence? Four ways are suggested:

The first important method is to have visualization. Imagine that you are performing the best. So you can put yourself in the situation of self-confident.

The second method is to speak self-confidently. Try to project yourself externally as strong as you can. Use Self-confidence Language. For example say "absolutely", "definitely", "yes", "sure", "no problem" instead of "hopefully", "may be", "probably". This also helps you put yourself in the status of self-confidence.

The third way that makes you be self-confident is similar to second method. In this way, try to keep yourself in suitable physical appearance. On the other hand keep moving self-confidently. Physical appearance indicates mental status. For example breathe deeply, keep your shoulders top and walk strongly. Put your body in the status of feeling self-confidence. It helps to create an emotional feeling in the inside. Be relaxed, smile and have a right body configuration.

As the last method, use some sort of external stimuli to put yourself in the status of self-confidence. Use some kind of external actuators to trigger the feeling of self-confidence. Music, memorizing previous successes and observing photos that reminds you of good memories help you to put yourself in self-confidence status.

The first three methods use body consciously to create the status of self-confidence, while the last acts as mental trigger that puts you in the state of feeling self-confidence. For more information refer to the podcast.

Until next time live consciously.